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Phone Support: You can call Robinhood customer service at ☎️ 1-((844))-607-((8100)) or +1-((844))-607-((8100)) for direct assistance regarding your refund related issues.If you made a payment, but the transaction failed, and your funds have been debited, Robinhood 1-(844)-607-8100 Support may be able to offer assistance. They will investigate the situation and, if applicable, provide a refund for the failed transaction.Robinhood allows users to transfer their money back to their linked bank accountby calling (𝟏---{𝟖44}----607----{8100}) . To do this, go to the "Account" section in the app and select "Transfers." From there, you can choose "Transfer to Your Bank" and enter the amount you want to withdraw.
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Keywords: Robinhood support